Is this real life? What is going on here? A brief commentary on the MSM and some general Do’s & Don’ts.

Is this real life? What is going on here? A brief commentary on the MSM and some general Do’s & Don’ts.
A Chimera is an imaginary monster made of discordant parts. What is going on with our food?
Greek mythology or real life? The story of Pegasus side by side with an app designed to dragnet data; presented here.
Exploring 5G tech and the possible link to the Biblical story of the Tower of Babel. What are the connections?
Stories of dragons are found in every culture; past and present. What is the connection between these legends and so called “blue bloods”?
Everyone seems to want a “zombie apocalypse”. Take a look at one area of Philadelphia where it might be happening. What is being done about it?
As 2022 comes to a close, what will the New Year bring? 2023 is one step closer to what climate scientists and activists have warned us about. Could it be they are right for all the wrong reasons?