Harvard Study: UFOs, Lizard People, & ELITE Control

Harvard Study: UFOs, Lizard People, & ELITE Control

Researchers from Harvard University have released a study calling for an examination of alternative explanations regarding UFO and UAP phenomena. One theory that the paper highlights is the possibility that humans evolved in parallel with a race of “unknown, intelligent dinosaurs”. Recently both the House and Senate have had hearings on crashed and recovered craft involving non-earthly entities, leading some […]

Biden Doubles: Democrats’ SHAKESPEAREAN MASK

Biden Doubles: Democrats’ SHAKESPEAREAN MASK

According to CNN fifty-seven percent of Americans disapprove of President Joe Biden as Commander in Chief with many other polls showing similarly disastrous numbers for the Democrat establishment hoping to retain control this November. In fact, things have become so bad for the party in power that a growing number of pundits believe that the Democrats may soon move away […]

The Adam and Eve Story: Cold War SECRETS or URGENT WARNING?

The Adam and Eve Story: Cold War SECRETS or URGENT WARNING?

As the recent fears of a nuclear holocaust being fostered by the elite class in Washington continue to serve as the backdrop for an election just a few months away, it’s hard not to look back at the Cold War of the 1960’s. With the mainstream media continually shaping the talking points around things like Russia, the CIA, and even […]

America Boiling Over: Trump’s LAST STAND

America Boiling Over: Trump’s LAST STAND

If you have ever wondered what it was like to live during the fall of Rome, it might be time for a temperature check. The once great melting pot of America has reached a boiling point with the guilty verdict in the so-called “hush money” case of President Donald Trump. But instead of seeing the injustice for what it is, […]

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