Devil Revolution – God Help Us l Downstream politics

Devil Revolution – God Help Us l Downstream politics

Everyone, including avowed satanists, have a right to the freedom of expression and to religion as codified in the Constitution of the United States. However, it states that these rights are not given by any government or institution. Instead, we are given them by a Creator. In recognizing that these freedoms come from a higher power it seems lost on […]

Broke Barista – Toronto Edition l Dumber than a bag of hammers

Broke Barista – Toronto Edition l Dumber than a bag of hammers

The Anarchist, a coffee shop in Toronto, has closed after only 12 months in “business”. The self proclaimed anti-capitalist, anti-colonial cafe, shop, and radical community space is proof positive that the left ruins everything it touches and ultimately eats itself. The owner apparently didn’t realize that a pay as you see fit approach is often referred to as a charity. […]

Burger King – Woke And Broke l Have it your way

Burger King – Woke And Broke l Have it your way

U.S. based food processing plants are being destroyed all over the country. Once great fast food locations are going broke and closing their doors. Sit down restaurants are becoming a thing of the past for residents on the left coast. Even low-end retail stores are being forced to increase security measures to stay afloat. While you may not be feeling […]

Talisman Sabre – War Time l Everything points to 2025

Talisman Sabre – War Time l Everything points to 2025

The Talisman Sabre drills are nothing new. This time, though, the stakes have never been higher with the breaking news out of Russia that an alleged assassination attempt on Vladimir Putin was carried out by Ukrainian forces overnight via unmanned drone strikes on the Kremlin. Talks of a “spring offensive” in the coming weeks is sure to raise temperatures even […]

Mascots In New York – Virtue Signaling l The State says you must be offended

Mascots In New York – Virtue Signaling l The State says you must be offended

Native Americans are once again being wiped out. This time by the New York public education system. And what is being taught isn’t tolerance. It’s yet another example of thought control, erasing history, and lip service that ignores real issues. Instead of lies surrounding Christopher Columbus, colonialism, and the term ‘Indian’ maybe everyone can learn a lesson from the non-woke […]

Save The Women – Empowerment l An answer to “What is a Woman?”

Save The Women – Empowerment l An answer to “What is a Woman?”

Biological women are under attack in the United States of America. In this report, we explore the reasons for this and three great equalizers that women need to defend themselves against woke culture nonsense. Highlighted by the Bud Light / Dylan Mulvaney controversy and the over six-billion-dollar profit loss by the company in record time, in conjunction with the Biden […]

Donald J. Trump – 45th President l Herald of the World Ruler

Donald J. Trump – 45th President l Herald of the World Ruler

Mass media hysteria. A global health crisis. The response. This report looks at a wild conspiracy that Trump may have been foretold in Biblical prophecy. Stemming from a trilogy by Ingersoll Lockwood over a hundred years ago, in tandem with Trump Derangement Syndrome, the theory is once again gaining traction on Twitter. Sure, the whole thing may be a random […]

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