UNMASKED: The Nocebo Effect and Health’s Silent ADVERSARY

UNMASKED: The Nocebo Effect and Health’s Silent ADVERSARY

The “placebo effect” is a well-researched and documented study on the mind over matter phenomenon. The result of such an effect is largely positive, with good health outcomes. But until recently, little has been discussed of the harmful consequences of negative expectations that has come to be known as “The Nocebo Effect”. In the post Covid era of partisan political […]

Global Peril: Disease X and the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM’s Agenda

Global Peril: Disease X and the WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM’s Agenda

The World Economic Forum has made no secret about its goal to reshape the globe in ways never before tested. From what we eat, how it is farmed and transported, to zero carbon emission efforts to combat climate change (and ultimately reducing the world’s population to achieve these measures), we again find ourselves in the midst of a new pandemic. […]

LIBERTY’S DEFENSE: The Internet Kill Switch Danger

LIBERTY’S DEFENSE: The Internet Kill Switch Danger

Under the Communications Act of 1934 and signed into law by then President Franklin D. Roosevelt the Executive Branch was given the sole power to commandeer any device that emits radio frequency in the name of safety and security for the nation. But as the definition of what constitutes a National Emergency has broadened under the scope of Continuity of […]

TikTok Turmoil: Biden’s SELL-OUT Agenda vs. American LIBERTIES

TikTok Turmoil: Biden’s SELL-OUT Agenda vs. American LIBERTIES

Dubbed by many to be the “Patriot Act on Steroids” Senate Bill 686, referred to as the Restrict Act, made its way through Congress last year. Hefty fines and even imprisonment over accessing CCP parent company Byte Dance’s wildly popular app TikTok still sits on the table, ready to punish any American who does so… retroactively. Despite the outcry over […]

AMERICA’S SOVIET NIGHTMARE: The Collapse from Within

AMERICA’S SOVIET NIGHTMARE: The Collapse from Within

Many Americans believe the United States is currently in a collapse reminiscent of the Soviet Union. Since at least 2016 with the election of Donald Trump as President and the revelation that the Trump campaign was spied on, along with the “Russiagate” scandal that attempted to link the former Commander in Chief with efforts to subvert the will of the […]

NASA’s 2001 Revelation: The Deep State’s Shocking Blueprint Uncovered

NASA’s 2001 Revelation: The Deep State’s Shocking Blueprint Uncovered

In July of 2001, just months before 9/11, a chief NASA scientist out of Langley released a chilling document titled “The Future Is Now!” in which the U.S. Air Force, DARPA, the CIA, the FBI, Southern Command, Atlantic Command, the Australian Department of Defense and other agencies detailed plans to bring about the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Micron sized mechanized “dust” […]

EXPLOSIVE: United Nations 6G Project Revealed in Wuhan

EXPLOSIVE: United Nations 6G Project Revealed in Wuhan

The announcement of the FITI (Future Internet Technology Infrastructure) Project, a United Nations backed effort that came out of Beijing recently, went largely unnoticed in the United States. Considering the project is a decade in the making, will be the fastest internet in history, and launched directly from Wuhan one would think the advent of 6G technology would have garnered […]

The Global Agenda: NANOROBOTICS, TYRANNY, and the FUTURE of Humanity

The Global Agenda: NANOROBOTICS, TYRANNY, and the FUTURE of Humanity

For decades unelected officials in the United States and around the world have called for a more “global approach” to direct every facet of our lives; commerce, medicine, politics, religion, technology, and so on. Animal engineering studies done by the CIA in the 1960’s pale in comparison to the research done in the rapidly expanding and unchecked field of nanorobotics […]

UNVEILING THE LEGACY: The Knights of the Golden Circle & the Modern-Day Civil War Threat in America

UNVEILING THE LEGACY: The Knights of the Golden Circle & the Modern-Day Civil War Threat in America

A secret order by the name of the ‘Knights of the Golden Circle’ were instrumental in agitating the United States into Civil War. Having had close ties to very powerful banking dynasties in Europe, this secret order, it seems, never really went away. Instead, this secret society continued to operate under various different names and continues on to this very […]

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